Car Key Replacement

Car keys are one of the most common and frustrating things to lose. Having a spare can make a world of difference when yours go missing.

However, getting a replacement key is not always easy and expensive. The type of key you have and your vehicle model can impact how much it costs to get a new one made.

Basic Keys

Car keys have a long history in the auto industry. They are used to unlock and lock your doors and start your vehicle.

The most basic type of key, and the one you probably use most often, is a mechanically cut key that works with an ignition cylinder. These are easy to replace at a locksmith.

But newer cars require a key with a chip inside it to function properly. These need to be cut and programmed by a dealership or an automotive locksmith to work with the vehicle.

These keys are also called transponder keys and they contain a computer chip that has to be programmed in order to start your car. Most automotive locksmiths can program these types of keys, but you’ll pay a lot more than $20 to get them done at a dealership.

Transponder Keys

If you have a car that is equipped with a transponder key system, then it’s very likely that you need to replace the old one. These keys have an electronic chip embedded in them and are designed to help reduce auto thefts.

They are programmed to transmit a radio signal each time they are inserted into the ignition. They also have a unique serial number that tells the car’s computer which key it is supposed to recognize.

This technology is a great way to increase your car’s security. However, it’s not foolproof – thieves do develop ways to bypass these systems.

If you need to have your old transponder key replaced, it’s best to call an experienced locksmith that is familiar with the process. They can program your key to match your vehicle and erase any old codes that may have been stored in your system.

Keyless Entry Keys

Keyless entry keys, also known as remote key fobs, can be an extremely convenient way to lock and unlock your car. They work by sending a radio signal to your car’s receiver.

You just place a key fob on a keychain or in your pocket and let the system do the rest. It will automatically unlock the doors and start the engine without you touching any buttons.

Many newer vehicles now come with keyless entry features that are much more sophisticated. They work even when you are parked in your driveway, so you don’t need to touch any buttons.

But despite their convenience, there are a few risks associated with keyless entry systems. Some thieves have been able to steal signals from these devices and replicate them.

One thing to consider is storing your key fob away from windows and doors to prevent thieves from replicating it. Another is putting a shielded protection case on your fob to limit the range that its radio signal can travel.

Smart Keys

Smart Keys are one of the latest innovations in car technology. They offer a host of benefits that outweigh traditional Car Key Replacement, such as convenience and security.

Unlike conventional keys, which are often lost or stolen, these smart car keys operate by sending an RFID signal to your vehicle’s antenna, allowing you to lock and unlock doors and start your engine without needing to take the key out of your pocket.

They also keep you safe by preventing you from being stuck outside your car in an unfamiliar area or on a busy street with a high crime rate. Since the signal sent by a smart key is unique to your car, thieves have to be very tech-savvy to steal them.

Many auto manufacturers also feature settings that disable the ignition circuit in case a smart key is invalidated, which makes it harder for a thief to use a smart key to access your car’s information. In addition, most smart keys transmit a rolling code when unlocked and remotely opened, which is verified by a computer inside the vehicle.